This year, the theme for Anti Bullying Week is ‘Reach Out’. At Diversity Role Models we know how most victims of bullying suffer in silence. They are often ashamed at being bullied and unsure of who can help them. That means the bullying can go on for a long time with drastic consequences for the victim.
One of the skills of an Upstander, is the confidence to get help when they see that someone is the victim of bullying. In a school setting, this could be reaching out to a teacher, a member of staff in the canteen or playground, or a parent.
Many schools have excellent reporting mechanisms and anonymous routes for reporting bullying. All school staff are trained to identify bullying and to discreetly and effectively support victims. All of this is only possible however if we reach out for help.
In a world where all of us are Upstanders, rather than Bystanders bullies will fail. They will be outnumbered by people confident enough to identify the bullying, intervene and protect the victim.
So, this Anti Bullying week, be an Upstander and if you see bullying Reach Out.