What trans+ pride means to me.
By Kate Hutchinson
By the time I attended my first Trans Pride I had already attended many LGBTQ+ Pride events, but from the first moment I stepped into the event space I knew this was different.
ASDA Partnership: our statement
By Diversity Role Models Team
Unfortunately, this phrase ‘love has no age limit’ was taken out of its context by a relatively small number of individuals who insinuated that Diversity Role Models was teaching that there was no lower age limit to love. This claim was wrong and misleading. The video was conveying how healthy adult relationships continue well into older age.
150,000 pupils and going strong!
By Matt Garvey
Recently, Diversity Role Models reached an incredible milestone in our mission to promote inclusion and diversity in schools. After 11 years, we have reached over 150,000 young people, that’s across more than 600 schools all over the country. We’re so proud to have worked with so many amazing teachers, school leaders, role models, parents/carers and of course, pupils and students.
Volunteering to make a difference - World Well-Being Week 2022
By Matt Garvey
So, if you ever have those moments where you wish you could do something to promote an inclusive society; you can. Get involved and make a difference.
Pride Month 2022
By Matt Garvey
While Pride Month is a time to celebrate difference, it is also a time to remind ourselves of those who suffer simply because they are different. Bullying at school and in the workplace blights the lives of children and adults. While awareness of bullying continues to improve, our recent survey of over 5000 pupils makes sobering reading. I ask all supporters, as you celebrate Pride 2022 to spare a thought for those who dread going to school because of LGBT bullying and other forms of prejudice based abuse.
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia
By Matt Garvey
It does seem a shame, in 2022, that we need an international day against hate, but the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT) reminds us all of the ongoing struggle for dignity and equality.
National Children’s Day 2022, and a hello from our new CEO
By Matt Garvey
This year’s National Children’s Day theme of ‘Choose Kind’, strongly resonates with DRM and the work we do in schools to foster attitudes that differences should be celebrated, rather than a cause for unkindness and bullying.
Read About Our DfE Funded Anti-Bullying Project
By Diversity Role Models Team
The Department for Education selected Diversity Role Models to deliver a programme which empowers schools in England to take a stand against all forms of bullying.
If Anybody's Talking About Jamie, it's me!
By Emma Miller-McCaffrey
Reflections from a former secondary school teacher, member of the LGBT+ community and now parent
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